Thursday, September 30, 2010

the mad hatter

it's officially fall, and i declare "open season" on.....


they are going to be big this year...

we miss Taige. his eye for fashion was impeccable. dudes, take note.

 whether for keeping you cozy on a snowy day, or for a touch of a by-gone era, you must try.
tweed, vintage wool, silk, lace, or stretchy modern fabrics, oh the options!

toppers are such a fun accessory to play with! whether you are a lady or a gentleman, almost everyone can experiment with them.

and you should!
why? why, why, why, you ask?

because nothing makes a bigger statement than a hat.
i guess that explains our overwhelming fear of hats.

people say to me, "but... can i pull that off?"
pull it off?!! what?

as if, in some alternate universe, there are those-who-were-born-to-wear-hats-people. 
do you  assume you are not one of them?

i beg you, truly BEG, on my knees here, hoping against futile hope that you would be so brave...
oh please, just put it on your head and walk out the door.

step out of your comfy little box...  you might just be transformed..

and, you might be surprised by the response you get:


i challenge you, fearful non-hatwearing humans: go forth and cranially adorn.

p.s.  gentlemen, we really wouldn't mind a bit if you were to tip your hat as we sashay right on by..


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